Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pleasant Surprises

Because I am far, far away from my scale in college, I haven't kept track of any numbers in a long while. However, I can usually guess where I am--last year I was obsessed with the scale numbers so, I can judge where I am by glancing in the mirror.
Since, I just haven't had any appetite, I quite literally stopped eating (check the former plan/last post).

Out of sheer curiosity today, I borrowed my roomie's measuring tape. The results surprised me...I'm back to a 24 in. waistline. Of coarse, the comments I have been getting when people come into contact with me (yoga buddies, hugging, etc.) never sunk in until I saw that beautiful 24 on the tape. I've heard, "You're so tiny, I feel like I'm going to break you," "You remind me of a pixie--so cute and skinny," "You're so light, if I threw you in the air the wind would probably take you away." Music to my ears.

Funny thing is, is that I wasn't even aiming to lose weight...I just wanted to have an empty, flat stomach to impress my lovers. I mean, sex would just be awful if I was full; I would too self-conscious of my food baby and that would affect my performance and enjoyment.

Laughs aside, I am simply ecstatic <3 ,