Thursday, November 24, 2011

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

During Autumn of 2010, I was able to quickly and easily drop large quantities of weight in a short amount of time. By doing this, although I did not have a final goal weight, I was able to reach a thinner, more perfect form. However, the shorter time spand only set the foundation to gain it just as quickly back.

So, this time around...I'm gonna do it slower. Most weight loss journals and tips (for the average fat joe/jane), all suggest that by taking the weight loss process at a slower pace promises longer results. This is mainly because your body can adjust easier to the new weight levels. For instance, were one to Pro Ana diet their way down and hit a plateau, the slow pace it took to reach that level then ensure that the plateau will break once they take a period of "normal" eating, quicken their metabolic rate, and, thus, continue losing.

Rapidly dropping pounds is, therefore, not optimal for the long run. I mean, would you rather be thinner longer (and perhaps forever--by adjusting your body slowly) or quicker. Sure, quicker is pretty damn tempting but, who doesn't want to stay perfect forever? I know I do.

Strategy is key, my darlings,

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