Sunday, December 18, 2011

Purge Comparison

There is a confusion among people that laxatives do not help one lose weight. This is incorrect, as I can vouch using myself as evidence. Now, for any beginning Pro Mias or even the experienced, purging can be done in several ways (i.e. vomiting, exercising, etc.). However, what some Mias don't realize (if they are bulimia purging sub-type), is that there is a difference in calorie loss depending on ones method. Vomiting eliminate 50-70 % of the calories consumed, while laxative usage eliminate 10-30% of calories consumed.

Those stats alone would convince anyone to opt for the vomit method but, I recommend to vomit as unfequently as possible--or at least until ones throat sore and little spots of red come out. Also, purge easy foods---such as mushy/soft foods like bananas, wet cereal, etc. If you are purging dry foods, like cookies for instance, make sure you drink warm water with it (not after) to make the process easy on your esophagus. 

But, while carrying on with laxatives, one needs to be aware that their body will become accostomed to one type very quickly--thus you must be constantly tricking your body by switching up (i.e. powders, pills, teas, etc.) You can also combine them...I happen to use pills and tea but, in the past I mixed the powders into the tea.

Best of Luck to You,

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