Friday, December 30, 2011

Ketosis Dieting

Hello lovelies!!
I've been staying true to my plan since I last posted and, I do have to say, I've been feeling cleaner. When I was at my highest, I had gained all my weight back from binging on, I know I have a weakness towards them. Luckily, I've broken my attachment to unsweetened soynut butter by refusing to purchase it any longer (though the cravings still call me).

Anywho, since my last post I've joined a Pro Ana/ Pro Mia group on Facebook--which is incredibly supportive and sustainable against my urges to binge. Recently, someone had mentioned ketosis dieting. Now, I have heard this term before when I was hiding my anorexia from doctors and such.

Apparently, ketosis is when the body reaches a point where it will burn fat storages. It is obtained when people consume less/no carbs so the body turns to using ketone reserves as energy. This is quite good because, incidently, the cardiac, kidneys, and the majority of brain cells prefer using ketones over using glucose.

The secret to reaching this state is to consume a no fat/ low carb diet. Controversially, some websites say quite the opposite; to consume an all fat/ all protein/ no carb diet. Now, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that this is completely retarded--honestly, why would you consume a plate of fatty animal carcass, as opposed to a plate of steamed non-starchy veggies, and expect to lose weight?

Catch is, it takes a restrictive diet to reach ketosis (ABC anyone?). However, ketosis can be reached quicker through a minimum four day it takes three days to kick it in and one day to burn. I think I'll try this out next week.

Burning what hinders us,

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Serious Counting

I'm going to get serious about this weight loss--as if I wasn't serious enough to begin with. I'm going back to counting calories but, this time, I am also going to start measuring every single thing I eat/drink. No more idealistic FAT girl! I am going to go back to school thinner and lighter than ever.

Let it be known that today is the day that I am setting a goal weight to be reached before the end of January. The new goal is to be between the 115 lb -110 lb range. I will get there no matter what.

How? Here are the new rules (the two plans are interchangeable--for tricking the metabolic rate--but, I think I'm going to try to keep to Diet Plan B:

Diet Plan A
-Eat a piece of nondense fruit in the morning
-Drink 3 cups of coffee
-Pop one diet pill after
-Keep self distracted and active (i.e. taking 5-10 mile minimum strolls)
-Drink 1 cup green tea
-Eat a extremely lite meal (i.e. steamed veg or another piece of fruit)
-Pop one more diet pill
-Keep self distracted and active (if bored, do squats or something)
-Drink 1 cup green tea
-If the day was "good," eat a dense fruit
-If the day was "bad," take lax/purge and skip last meal
-Drink 1 cup of warm lemon water

Diet Plan B
-Drink 2 cups of coffee
-Drink 2 cups of green tea
-Wait until 5 or 7pm to eat lite meal (fruit/veg)
-Pop two diet pills
-Drink 1-2 cup/s of coffee
-Drink 1 cup of green tea
-Drink 1 cup of warm lemon water

I will also being doing a 24 hr exclusive liquid fast once a week---meaning liquids allowed will be water, tea, and coffee (<3) only!!

I'm trading this disgusting wreck of a body for something worthy of being called thinspo. Wish me luck, darlings!!

See you on the thinner side,

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Liquid Calories

I think I'm going to stop drinking. I mean, I always follow the binge drinking rules but, I feel like I could do without those extra calories. It seems so unnecessary anyway, drinking every single weekend. Before Halloweekend tipped me off onto excessive partying, I was going to the gym every single day of the week for two hour minimum workouts.Besides, when I'm hung over, I don't even feel like going to the gym...

I'm looking for appetite suppressants right now. I tried all types of diet pills, caffeine sources, chinese herbs, natural methods but, I think I'm going to give drugs a try. Being on a college campus makes pretty much anything available. It doesn't frighten me, though I feel it should. I've researched every item on the list and I know which would help me in this situation. The way I see it, as long as I don't get hooked, I'll lose weight and be just fine.

Exploring other methods,

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Purge Comparison

There is a confusion among people that laxatives do not help one lose weight. This is incorrect, as I can vouch using myself as evidence. Now, for any beginning Pro Mias or even the experienced, purging can be done in several ways (i.e. vomiting, exercising, etc.). However, what some Mias don't realize (if they are bulimia purging sub-type), is that there is a difference in calorie loss depending on ones method. Vomiting eliminate 50-70 % of the calories consumed, while laxative usage eliminate 10-30% of calories consumed.

Those stats alone would convince anyone to opt for the vomit method but, I recommend to vomit as unfequently as possible--or at least until ones throat sore and little spots of red come out. Also, purge easy foods---such as mushy/soft foods like bananas, wet cereal, etc. If you are purging dry foods, like cookies for instance, make sure you drink warm water with it (not after) to make the process easy on your esophagus. 

But, while carrying on with laxatives, one needs to be aware that their body will become accostomed to one type very quickly--thus you must be constantly tricking your body by switching up (i.e. powders, pills, teas, etc.) You can also combine them...I happen to use pills and tea but, in the past I mixed the powders into the tea.

Best of Luck to You,

Friday, December 16, 2011

Ana's Holiday

I'm heading back to my hometown for the holidays but, I get six weeks off from college for the break. I'm feeling pretty good about this--I'm going to have more ease purging at home and less desire to eat because of the stress. In addition, cold weather always takes my appetite away so, I'll most likely be weaning cups of hot calorie free tea the majority of the day.

I'm reached the next stepping stone with Ana too because I no longer have to battle myself to stay away from carbs. I can't even imagine eating anything besides my "safe" foods now. I may have neglected to religiously go to the gym this week but, no matter, I haven't been eating more than 2 oranges and a spoonful of unsweet soy nut butter (besides lots and lots of water).

Six weeks is enough time to lose 10 lbs. I can't wait to get back to college and show off my new hot bod, or at least, it'll be closer to Ana's perfection than it is now. I'm weighing in tomorrow morning and I'm so very excited to see the progress my loose clothes have been hinting at all this time.

Cheers to the Ana's Holiday,

Monday, December 12, 2011

Pinching Fat

I have found that I am most comfortable with my body when I am lying flat on my back. Gravity takes to my favor then, as my ribs jut out along with my hip bones. I can also stretch my arms up and watch the tendons in my hand poke out as I wiggle my fingers. But on my "bad days," no positioning will work gravity to my favor.

Like right now, for instance. I hate myself for having just eaten half a bag of unsalted/unbuttered popcorn. With exam week having just started, I had two exams and several essays I had to finish. Such circumstances were a perfect distraction from eating lunch, which would have just been some fruit and maybe a bit of lettuce. So, I skipped and then immediately after my first exam finished, I had to meet with my dance group to work on our final. I had only an hour and a half before my next exam....I ran to the farthest dining hall (they have better choice in fruit). I didn't start eating my first meal until 6:00 PM.

Which was actually pretty good, considering I was eating safe food (I only had fruit). I wasn't hungry after my next exam, as I had taken a banana and an orange from the dining hall to eat after the test. A couple hours later, I had an intense craving for more oranges...but, unfortunately, the dining halls were now closed and I had hidden away popcorn in my room.

I can feel my gut stretching just for the popcorn. My fat is probably expanding because of the terrible carbs. I'm drinking Chinese "diet" tea (senna) right now and I already took 2 lax pills soooooo.....hopefully this horrible stuffed feeling goes away.

Geez....why am I so weak? I am definitely only going to eat oranges and papaya over the next couple weeks. I have break so I'll be purging all of it.

 Are you happy now, Ana? Mia's going to whip me into shape for you.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

My Affair with Mia

Most people are under a misconception that if one is Pro Mia/bulimic, they only binge on high calories foods in large quantities. I have recently accepted the fact that I am, in fact, a bulimic--for the longest time I simply thought I was just solely Pro Mia and Pro Ana. As a bulimic, I can fully say, I do not binge and purge high calorie foods, such as sweets and junk food. I am extremely health-conscious (ironically) and whenever I happen to binge, or at least what I call a binge, I binge on "high amounts" of healthy foods.

In my experience, bananas are the easiest food to bring back up/clean out with lax. People like to think that bananas are a binding food, which is one of the reasons why some use them as an ail for constipation. I really like that it doesn't matter how ripe or how firm a banana is; when it comes back up, it's mushy and easy on the esophagus.

I'm not even sure I could technically be classified as a true bulimic because I purge my food whether or not I was binging. When I simply eat lightly, I still feel uncomfortable with the food inside me, as I can feel it moving through my digestive tract and it is rather bothersome.

I don't know. Maybe I am just an anorexic with purging tendencies. I am not sure.

Coming to terms with ED,

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Curse of Curves

I'm surprised by the number of guys gravitating towards me in college, as this never seemed to happen during high school. As curiosity often gets the best of me, I have adapted to eloquently arranging my words in a way that will get the answer of why they are so interested, so fascinated by me.

Besides my mannerisms and personality, as I just use those to hook the guy, my questions are more on a physical level. As I've said before, I don't like it when they say I have a pretty face--those are words reserved for FAT girls. However, I didn't like what else I heard...

This still rings a bit in my ear, serving as further motivation to simply halt it but--a guy told me he thought I was sexy because I was CURVY. Translate that...and once again, I am considered FAT.

I hate this. While I am still in the bulimia portion of my weight loss, I purge by all means to destroy that bloated perception of me. I exercise like crazy (every single day), I throw up to the point of coughing blood, and I over dose laxatives until my abdomen has me wringing in pain. I do all of this while restricting and limiting my foods, taking mixed combos of diet pills, and downing large quantities of water.

And feels all for naught.

Living with the curse of "curves,"

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Are you...Ana?

During the fall semester here (it's almost over), I decided to take a dance class to fulfill my performing art requirement. Since the beginning of this class, the only think that has been on my mind was whether of not this one girl was a Pro Ana. She showed all the signs that a Pro Ana would, her thighs had a huge gap at the top, you could see bones poking out, she looked pale and tired, and she had this behavior quality that could only suggest isolation or some sort; she definitely was not just an ectomorph.

The question to ask her if she was a Ana girl itched in the back of mind but, as it is rather hard to make connections with an Ana or Mia if you aren't sure if they are part of the ED community. However, today, this was not the case.

My mascara was flaking a little bit after class, so I stopped by the restroom to briefly fix it before heading of to my immediate next class. The bathroom was empty, which would have been perfect had I been purging. Then, she walked in. Fashionably dressed with perfectly thin limbs and a petite height, she reminded me of my lower days when I considered myself a hummingbird because I was so light and delicate. I could definitely pick out her bone structure through her clothes, it was sheer beauty.

I took my chances, mentally crossing my fingers and hoping she would confirm what I had wondered all this time. So I asked if she was an Ana, as I did not want to say Pro Ana because another girl had just walked in. I had to make this quick. She looked confused, not quite comprehending what I had just said. With us both awkwardly laughing about it, I hurried out. Disappointment filled my gut, the emotion churning over and over as I replayed the scene in my head. She had to be lying, just as I would have. Being an ED means keeping the secret, pretending.

I hope she comes back to inquire next class. Even as a current Mia, I want to reach out to the Anas as well. I'm aiming to revert back to Ana anyhow.

Awkwardly curious,

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Select Foods

As with any person with an eating disorder, I feel comfortable within controlled boundaries. This being said, I have slid into this habit where I only want to eat 3 foods: Unsweetened Creamy Soy nut Butter, Bananas, and Orange Juice (not from concentrate). It makes sense when I think about it, as in "if I'm allowed ____# of calories, I want to eat the ones I want."

However, I can't help but feel guilty when I do eat--anytime I eat for that matter. In prior years, I had the closure of only eating certain foods. It made me feel safe, except this round, absolutely everything I do feels judged and a bit reprehensible. This past Thursday, for instance, I binged on those 3 foods...eating what I would assume to be 800 calories. Due to this, I took nine laxatives and, consequently, felt too ill to go to the gym.

I feel like I should be stricter but, I'm already putting up those ever familiar walls. I don't like going to the dining halls here--I always feel like people are staring at me eating; as goes the same for if my roommate is in the dorm, I don't eat around her.

I love the 3 far too much to stop this pattern. It gives me control over not consuming grains (carbs) and not being tempted to break my one plate rule in the dining halls. I hope this will bring result soon enough.

Watch the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show (any of the years). It was such a thinspiration!!

Striving for Perfection,

Thursday, December 1, 2011

From Mia to Ana

When descending the pounds, it takes more and more effort to drop; different methods are needed, as well as a development of certain daily habits. In my experience, losing weight is like scaling set levels. So, using myself as a proper example (because I know what it takes to brush the border of double-digits), I will disclose techniques that worked for me.

On my profile, I listed 137 lbs as my highest weight (gross!!). The way I see it, the different levels of weight lose divide pounds into sections of ten.
During the range of 130-140, I dropped pounds because I began exercising 1 1/2 everyday (7 days a week) and I only consumed salads.
Between 120-130, I lost weight because I upped my workout to 2 hours everyday (6-7 days a week) and I began purging...A LOT (mostly lax now).

Although I am not quite at the 110-120 range yet, previously during this range, I dropped because I would eat once a day (after exactly 24 hrs had passed since last eaten) and my meal would be only fruit.
In the 100-110 range, I started a once a week fast (usually every Monday) and I ate only steamed veggies; additionally, never eating more than 200 calories...unless it was the weekend, where I would allow myself 500 calories.

It takes a lot of will-power to reach perfection but, once you're out of the Mia ranges and side with Ana...weight drops off more quickly.

Good luck, lovelies,

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Victoria's Secret Diet

Ever wonder what it would be like to have a body like an Angel? Mostly likely you said yes because, well let's face it, a Victoria's Secret model's body is so perfectly proportioned that it's enough to cause envy in anyone who has glanced at their catalog. But a body like that does not come from sheer will (like us Pro Anas/Mias), it takes extreme strict habits...not mention these habits are graciously invested in.

While the average daily diet has yet to been disclosed (although I am sure we can easily guess it), the diet leading up to the infamous Victoria's Secret Fashion Show has been spilled by Adriana Lima (and noted by other VS Angels).

According to Adriana, three weeks prior to the show, the VS Angels consume only specialized high protein shakes (brand named shakes contain too many chemicals, sugars, and additives) and a gallon of water; this is then combined with a intense workout twice a daily. This being said, solid food is prohibited. I would suspect it is for the obvious reasons (i.e. the "bulk" creating an illusion of being bloated until the said waste is eliminated).

Two days prior, Adriana revealed that the Angels stop their intake of protein shakes--sticking to exclusively only water, while still continuing their intense exercise regime.

Twelve hours before the show, the VS Angels "dry" themselves out by halting their intake of any fluids (water included). Stopping ones intake of liquid for this span of time can promise as much as a lose of 5 lbs.

While Adriana Lima did realize the mistake of giving this much info out to the media, her comments released after did rebuke what she had said prior...possibly in an attempt to protect the multi-million dollar industry that is Victoria's Secret.

Desiring an Angel's body,

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Nightmare of Mia

I cracked. I was so thristy and hungry that I went downstairs late at night/early in the morning and gorged myself in a downwards spiral of gluttony. Halfway through the pumpkin pie, the guilt of binging kicked in and I could feel the anxiety of the caloric number rising like bile in my throat. As a Pro Mia, I knew just what to do...purge it all.

Now, I have my own method with purging. If I know I am too late to vomit, I use a high dosage of a combination of laxatives (such as different pills and teas). However, if I know I can still pull it all up, I use a single chopstick to stimulate my gag reflex---and this usually works but, today it didn't.

I tried and tried and tried, over and over again without an success. I was disgusted with myself, since I knew that the caloric number was waaaayyyyy over my limit of 600 (which still feels like a lot to me).

I wasn't sure why it wasn't working. In a panic, I rushed to the pharmacy down the street and bought a box of 90 lax pills. After popping 6, I still felt grossly obese so, I walked 10 miles in hopes that the movement would help the purging process---if not just to burn off some calories.
I know Ana was there cackling at my failure. "This is what you get for eating, for being weak."

I think I'm going to retreat back to repetitive eating and liquid fasting. I'm not strong enough to allow myself to eat whatever I please. This is Ana's domain, Mia is only invited in to punish me.

Food truly is the Enemy,

Friday, November 25, 2011

Not by my Choice

My father blew up yesterday during Thanksgiving....he was livid simply because my mother made an effort and made some vegan-friendly foods for me so I could join in the meal. Yes, i am aware this does not make sense logically but, the man is crazy. He got so riled up that before I could even eat, yanked me from the table, and literally dragged me out the door into the 37 degree weather. I had no shoes or coat and my arm hurt from him.

I ended up calling the cops but, the bastard lied and made it seem as though I was disobeying him. Now, I am not allowed to eat anything in the house because..."I didn't buy it with my money."

Sure, Ana maybe happy with this situation but, I tried eating lunch on Thanksgiving and, not purposely, threw it up. So I haven't eaten in two days now...I don't think he's even gonna let me have water.

I hate this so much and...I'm not even sure what to do. I'm scared. He says that he's going to cut off my funds for college too. I'm so tired of this "family." An abusive childhood was enough for me but, for it to continue into adulthood...I just don't know how much more I can take.

Silently screaming,

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

During Autumn of 2010, I was able to quickly and easily drop large quantities of weight in a short amount of time. By doing this, although I did not have a final goal weight, I was able to reach a thinner, more perfect form. However, the shorter time spand only set the foundation to gain it just as quickly back.

So, this time around...I'm gonna do it slower. Most weight loss journals and tips (for the average fat joe/jane), all suggest that by taking the weight loss process at a slower pace promises longer results. This is mainly because your body can adjust easier to the new weight levels. For instance, were one to Pro Ana diet their way down and hit a plateau, the slow pace it took to reach that level then ensure that the plateau will break once they take a period of "normal" eating, quicken their metabolic rate, and, thus, continue losing.

Rapidly dropping pounds is, therefore, not optimal for the long run. I mean, would you rather be thinner longer (and perhaps forever--by adjusting your body slowly) or quicker. Sure, quicker is pretty damn tempting but, who doesn't want to stay perfect forever? I know I do.

Strategy is key, my darlings,

Monday, November 21, 2011

Look but, Don't Touch!!

I've had a lot of time to think these past couple of days. For one, I haven't been going to the dining hall as often as I used to. I mainly only eat lunch now, since it gives me enough time to burn it/purge it before I go to sleep. However, although I am happily not experiencing the most hated "bulk" any more, I have slid into the comfortable groove of consuming the same foods everyday. I like it....but, at the same time I can't help but feel a bit bad that I am not eating as much veg as I should.

With that aside, I had to go through the uncomfortable situation of being held up in Improv class. The game entailed that I would be raised by four of guys and held there until the next scene--which, incidently, I was put in the frozen position of being still held up...but, only half way (which was scary).

I didn't like being the only girl in the scene because I knew something like this would happen. However, and I've noticed this before, when the guys were reassuring me they wouldn't drop me, all of them put a guess on my weight. They guessed I was ten pounds lighter than I actually am.

Previously, when I weighed in at 100 lbs, most people were certain I was actually 90 lbs...judging just by looking at me. I suppose I should be flattered but, I want to actually be lighter.

My clothes have been fitting looser as of late. I had to switch to a smaller jean size. Good news? This is just the start of the decline.

Never stop the loss,

Thursday, November 17, 2011

New Tactics for the Big Challenge

The dreaded day of all Anas is approaching...Thanksgiving!!! Now, this isn't usually a big deal for, I usually get sick around Thanksgiving and almost always spend the day bedridden and two, I'm a vegan. Last year, I slept the majority of the day and went downstairs just as the guests were leaving. Because my parents resent the fact that I am vegan, they don't bother making any food for me specifically. Which is both bad and good. I am being neglected but, hey, I don't have to eat. So, yay!

Anywho, heading back to my hometown is risky buisiness. I'm not allowed to go to the gym while I am there (they'll give the key to my overweight sister but not me) so, I think I am going to be restricting as much as I can.
Makes sense, right? If I am not burning the calories, then I should not be eating as much.

It goes without saying that I will be purging still...old habits die hard. I think I'll wander around town too--exercise plus, I don't really want to hang around the hostile household. It's motivation to not eat (when I am upset) but, it just is too much stress that I really could do without.

I want to be happy...and thin. Is that really such a difficult request?

Best of Luck on the Dreaded Day of Gluttony,

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Taboo: Calories!!

Most would tend to believe that all calories are the same; that eating a 320 calorie candy bar would be the same as eating 320 calories of lettuce. I'm a bit skeptical of this belief simply because the majority of dieters attempt to eat healthier (i.e. making obvious better choices). Yet then again, I got down to my lowest by only eating produce...which is healthy...but, I know that there are Pro Anas out there that get to their lowest by consuming restricted amounts of junk food. So, are all calories the same?

I don't know.

However, what I do know is how my body reacts based on the foods I feed it, even if I restrict and purge. When I consume grains/beans/legumes/nuts/seeds, I feel disgusting afterwards (so I purge). Fruit perks me up, giving me an instant high but, gets me hungry. Vegetables make me feel full and indifferent.

I don't know...I suppose it all depends on the individual. Ask yourself when you're eating and become more consciously aware of how you react. Food V. You. Whose going to come out on top?

Never stop fighting the Thin Battle,

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fueled by Triggers

One of my most successful motivators to lose weight has always been my wrath. Not rage, not anger but, just starvation as a way of pay-back. This trigger mainly came from an incident with my father. Now, as far as I can remember, my father has always been the head honcho of the household, a tyrant, and, unfortunately, an abuser. As much as I would have loved to have had a happy, pleasant childhood worth having nostalgia over--there aren't any happy memories in my past that involve that man. I still have short flashbacks of him in my nightmares...

Early in September, I decided to get a tattoo of cherry blossoms down the side length of my body. I was set on getting inked, as I had wanted to two years prior but, was waiting for the opportunity to present itself. Knowing I was covering my tracks well enough, I used my card again, today, to get my naval pierced. Only problem was...the forty-dollar piercing overspent on my account...and my account is linked to his (even though it's all my money).

After dealing with a livid phone call with the man himself, the trigger began creeping back on me. I am not going to eat anything disappearing act actually an act of revenge.

Let me clarify for a sec, this horrible man, after finding out about my tattoo began accusing me of nonsense of which I am not reprehensible. He called me a whore, a crack addict, an alcoholic, a failure, bashed my veganism (he REALLY hates that I'm vegan), and, on top of it all, had the nerve to state that I "used to be happy and tell him everything." Now, realistically, I don't think anyone in their right mind would share personal details about themselves to someone so...hostile (all the time).

I have to meet with him early in the morning tomorrow; it doesn't help to add that I am also very sick (I cannot stop coughing) and this whole situation is causing me unnecessary stress...

Behind pained eyes,

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tips and Tricks to Successfully Binge-Drink

Drunkorexia....some of us may have heard the term or seen it somewhere before. Similarly to Ana, the drunkorexic staves off hunger pains and saves a certain number of calories, after having eaten limited amount, for drinking...well, booze! Being in college has been a learning experience of how to obtain easy access alcohol--and it really isn't THAT hard to get some when you know how to use being an attractive chick (at least to others) to your advantage. are the simple guidelines to follow in Binge Drinking:
1) Make a lot of connections/'ll make the entire process go by smoother and ensure more fun
2) Eat your allowed number of calories before drinking
3) Never drink on an empty stomach!!!
4) Keep track of your liquer intake (i.e. one shot = 100 cal & one beer/wine = 100-120 cal)
5) Make sure you balance out your food with your alcohol...if one exceeds the other you will GAIN weight
6) Always opt for alcohol over an extra meal/piece of food/dessert/whatever
7) The plus side to getting drunk, over being gluttonous, is that you can relax/have no anxiety over food issues
8) Be sure to only binge drink on the weekend, this allows spare time in the week to exercise (calorie burner)
9) End the night with lots of water (prevents a nasty hangover and acts as a diuretic)
10) If you do end up throwing up, don't feel bad about it! You didn't want those calories anyway.

Drunkorexia is, incidently, quite common to find on a college don't feel alone. There are plenty of other girls that are saving their calories for their drunk days.

Drink up and enjoy life,

Monday, October 31, 2011


I was never one to believe in the concept of "love." I don't know why; my sister on the other hand believed in true love and every other frivolous ideal. I suppose this is why I feel such disgust towards relationships. I absolutely hate them, the mere thought of being tied down to one person is repugnant but...I don't know, I suppose I was meant to feel more thrill in a fling, a hook-up, a short yet fun period of time when people can simply live in the now and enjoy themselves fully.

I mentioned a guy in one of my previous posts, let's call him Kisho, became recent friends with benefits with me. I suppose you could throw us in that category, since he has taken me back to his dorm twice now...and that exceeds a regular hook-up. Anyhow, since he is serving as my new thinspiration, he also is serving as a motivation for me to not eat.

Now, since we both a parallel with our beliefs of enjoying the fun of a situation without it becoming complicated, what with the likes of a relationship, we easily can hook-up without the factor of being clingy or girlfriend/boyfriend-esque.

This being established, I feel absolutely disgusted and ashamed of myself for texting him to meet-up, for the third day in a row, without the influence of booze but, just to hang out (since we are on mutual agreement that the other is interesting and fun to be with). Sadly, though, I have let myself down...following pursuit of the qualities in which I hate...clingy. I texted Kisho and he kept making up excuses to not see me.

I am such an idiot for not realizing it, in this horrible state of disappointment, I binged and purged; so much to the point of drawing blood from my esophagus. I am a revolting gluttonous excuse for a person. I cannot believe that I even bothered putting on makeup and dressing presentably for a rendezvous that was never gonna happen. How pitiful!!!

Losing my self-worth bit by bit,

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Attracted to the Attractive

The Halloween weekend began here, at my college, and being the poor college kid I am, I through together an easy costume...Barbie!~

I met another kid at dance, the other day, and we swapped numbers--preparing to gather some other friends and find a costume party to rock out to. Well, as it turns out, I showed up without my friend (he was planning on going out the next night instead) and my new found friend showed up without his friend (appearently she went with some other people...or something of the like).

Now, let me just stop for a second and say, this guy is really really fun and attractive....but, I was not expecting a drunken make out session with him. He is just so awesome and crazy and I was completely baffled that he was pretty interested in me when we had first properly met.

So, as we were both stumbling all over the place, I went back to his dorm (where his roomie just so happened to not be there). Now, don't get ahead of this story just yet; due to the fact that he is the perfect combination of a tease and a romantic, he did not try anything, besides kissing some more. But, as we were lying in his bed snuggling, he said he was sorry if his hip bones were stabbing me. His rib cage and hip bones were jutting out (jealous) but, I told him I liked it.

I know he wasn't an Ana, or anything of the such, but me, being an Ana, actually do appreciate the sharp edges a bone makes sticking out. It kinda served as a bit of thinspiration for myself...I cannot wait until my bones stick out when I am not lying down.

Love your bones,

Friday, October 28, 2011

Ana's Shopping Trip

I recently went to the grocery store here, somewhat treating myself...because of all the purging I was doing lately. Now, I was going to buy things under complete control (i.e. whatever I buy, it cannot be eaten past 200 calories). So I strolled around, taking forever like many EDs do, and, finally after picking up and putting back soooooo many temptation items, I decided on buying a few Larabars (safe item because it contains so few ingredients) and a Go Raw Banana Bread Flax Bar. Coarse, as I was standing in line I through in some Kombucha (which is really good at taking of the edge of craving any fizzy drink). 

While I was waiting to pay, the oddest thing happened. The guy at the register looked over my items and blatantly asked, "Are you a Vegetarian?" Now, I'm not used to strangers quickly picking up my eating habits (despite the fact that I am actually a Vegan); so I asked him, "What gave me away?" He pointed directly at the flax seed bar and explained how he was, formerly, a Vegetarian for 3 years....but, then mentioned that he just used it to control his Anorexia. 

I was baffled. This guy, whom I had just met, just honestly told me his dirty little secret. Now, not wanting him to feel embarrassed for coming out to a customer, I told him, "Don't feel too bad. I dabbled in Anorexia too. I initially became Vegan for all the right reasons, but now I do it for all the wrong reasons." 

I know he could feel it at this point too, because just by showing ourselves practically naked to each other....there was a connection. 

Unfortunately, the old woman behind me had no tolerance for waiting so, she rammed her cart into me (bitch) and I proceeded to leave.

I wish I got the guy's name, I would've like to be friends with him (especially since he was so young, although older than me...probably 23-24ish). Oh well, I hope I will see him the next time I go shopping.

Keep on the lookout for any fellow EDs,

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Sign?

So I have been limiting myself to one meal a day, like before, at 4:30pm. This allows me time to let my body focus on burning what it has already and rid itself of waste (because as soon as you eat, your body focuses on digesting rather than moving any excess waste/calories out).

Anyway...I went to the dining hall and found that if I go earlier, there are more vegan friendly items. But, this only brought on the temptation of gluttony. Before I knew it, I had done a public binge; eating three plates worth of steamed veggies and wild rice. The veggies are "safe" of coarse, but, it was the intrude of the carbs that brought upon the disgusting sensation of guilt and self-loathing.

Now, I had given Mia a break for a while, siding with Ana and her one meal a day rule (of safe foods only).
Disgracefully, I had let her down and I---I just had to make it up to her somehow. So, since my next class was to begin at 5:30pm, I left the dining hall at 5:08pm and rushed to the building, already knowing what I was going to do. Not a lot of kids have late night classes, as compared to morning and afternoon, so, this gave me the opportunity to purge in an empty bathroom. I've never done this before, my heart racing all through the act...just waiting for someone to come in and discover me.

My eyes were watering from the purging, my face gleaming a pinkish hue in all its puffy glory...then something caught my eye. Right along side the toilet was a bit of restroom graffiti reading, "Love Yourself." I could not believe the odds that something like that would be placed so perfectly, so coincidentally next to the toilet. My hand stopped rising back to my mouth and I felt, somewhat empty and yet, ashamed.
I left the bathroom in a hurry, taking a few minutes to clean up my appearance...

I don't know if that's supposed to mean anything but, I feel like, if it was, the message will stick with me, nonetheless, but go unheard.

Continue falling on the scale,

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

True Fear

Pocrescophobia, i.e. the fear of gaining weight.

I know I can empathesize with all out there who are in the same boat of Anas, Mias, and EDNOS. We all fear that horrid number on the scale but, without a doubt, we all are deathly afraid of that horrid number rising higher.

It is a consumption of the digits, we are obsessed with the number of calories we intake, the number of calories we burn, the number on the measuring tape, and the number on the scale. In the constant mind game of numbers, our brains are in a never ending loop of mathematics...and it's tiring. But not enough to stop.

For me, I wasn't counting what I burned and I never touched the measuring tape until I was at the point of having a 24 inch waist. I only ate what I thought I was worthy to eat. If I hadn't done any physical exercise/movement that day, then it was a skip day or I would limit myself to only 200 calories (equaling for me an extended prolonged meal of consuming one papaya).

I still feel like this is the case nowadays. The only exception being that I exercise religiously every single day; whereas before it was only 4-5 times per week.

Rena, a girl I knew from my home town but now goes to the same college as me, is a recovering Ana girl. Unlike me, however, she was the Ana with a grip on exercise. I cannot begin to tell you how happy I was to find someone to personally talk to about my ED.

 It feels strange though that we want to go in opposite directions, she wanting to return to the norm and I wanting to relapse. Still...I love her to pieces. If I hadn't created this blog, this online diary, I would be relying solely on Rena (that is if I had made the first move to talk about my affair with Ana and Mia with her).

Pocrescophobia is the only fear I have; I do not fear death or any derivation of it (like so many other people fear). Perhaps that is why when I am faced with the skeletal perfection of Ana, I do not turn away.

Let's keep those numbers falling,

Monday, October 24, 2011

Déjà Vu Trigger

In the autumn of 2010, I was starting to diet...cutting back on breads and sweets and leaning more towards a healthy lifestyle (although I was still an omnivore). I was still eating then but....this changed one day. I had brought a traditional korean to school called bibimbap. Basically, it was a bunch of spicy vegetables on top of rice with an egg and kimchi (see picture).

Now, I LOVED this dish so very much but, I did not have time to eat it during my lunch mod since, I'm usually in the library finishing work then. What else could I do in this situation except, eat in another mod. So I started nibbling a bit on it before gym class began. As I'm sitting there enjoying my meal, I hear a couple comments, "Ew, what's that smell?", "Ugh!! What is she eating?", "It looks disgusting." I set my chopsticks down almost immediately, roughly throwing my food into my bag and never touching it again.

I hate people's comments; they don't even realize how much it impacts me.

Same thing happened today, I was steaming veggies in my dorm when a couple comments chide from in the hallway, "Ew, what's that smell?", "This whole hall stinks. It smells like something's rotting.", "I think it's coming from that dorm..."

It went over pretty harshly, I didn't eat anything today and that was to be my meal but...I suppose that just reinforces Ana's will.

Find your triggers and use them,

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I Hate Me

I fucking hate myself right now. I'm just so disgustingly fat and there's absolutely no way I'm gonna get to 120 lbs in a week. Ughhhhh........I'm just not going to eat anything, except dinner, from now on. No more binging or fucking wasting my money on binge food. Seriously, it's so retarded that I buy food just so I can throw it away. This has to stop. I'm running out of money and binging and purging is just making me hate myself even more.

But things aren't all so bad...

My workout regime is bringing results. I was studying a bruise on my leg early and realized, "Damn! My thighs are fucking toned!!!" This made me smile a bit, since I hate the squishy flab. Granted that all this muscle is making me bulk up a bit, I think if I counter it with starving, fasting, and restricting my caloric intake, I'll become just that much closer to Ana.

I figured out my BMR too. I was so happy to find myself in the 'Very Active' category (since I exercise everyday)
The BMR for women:

655 + (9.6 x weight in kilos) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age in years)

You then take that result and multiply it by your activity level.

 Sedentary/ Little or no Exercise = 1.200

 Lightly Active/Exercise or Sports 1 – 3 times a week = 1.375

 Moderately Active/Exercise or Sports 3 – 5 times a week = 1.550

 Very Active/Exercise or Sports 5 – 7 times a week = 1.725

 Extra Active/2x a day training or Hard Physical Job = 1.900

Basically, I need 2432.0775 calories everyday but, since we all know that that is waaaaaayyy too many, I'm gonna do a fraction of that with 600 calories. I think I'll stick to steamed veggies and soft fruit (like melon) from now on...

Think Thin,

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Better Alternative?

I've purged pretty much everyday this week, doubling up with lax and the ole' fashion way. Now, I'm fairly clever at hiding it now...heading to different bathrooms on campus for my lax purgings and cranking up the music/locking the door/disposing in a plastic bag for my throw-up purgings. But...after a week and a half of this, I'm starting to reconsider.

My mouth is beginning to feel sore and, yesterday, a little blood came up when I was vomiting. Sooooo......since it doesn't take a genius to figure this out, I'm gonna run back into Ana's perfectly tiny arms and take a break from Mia (although I do still love her).

I know I'm gonna feel absolutely horrid about the empty calories later but, I'm going out tonight (meaning drinks and the what not). Maybe I'll just wean a single drink throughout the evening; two is the limit. And just to be safe, since I don't want any globs of disgusting FAT hanging on, tomorrow I'll try to stay outside (in the cold) for the majority of the day and I'll go to the gym for a min of 2 hours.

Giving all my love and myself to Ana,

Friday, October 21, 2011

Pop It

I tried to continue my liquid diet onto a two day length but let myself partake in dinner. I kinda sorta did this method before, where I would eat only dinner (after 5pm) and fast the rest of the time...this method brought quick results--as I counted exactly 24 hrs in between eating. I think I'm gonna go this route again, instead of a every other day liquid diet (as I feel like I eat soooo much on my solid days).

Any who, I was pretty good at not eating until 6pm. Despite this, I was having one of those days where you can look in the mirror and absolutely HATE yourself. Sure, I know I have a nice face (as I am complimented on it all the time) but, telling a girl she has a nice face is something you tell a FAT girl because her body just doesn't match up.

So what did I do with all this guilt? I did what I always do, pop large amounts of certain vitamins and chemical capsules that promote the metabolism and burning of fat. Sometimes I use diet pills but, I always feel like those purposely draw an appetite so you buy more. Personally, I buy specific non-mainstream diet pills cuts the chance that it is just a caffeine pill (although I do have a bottle of caffeine pills).

This is usually how the cycle starts: I eat reasonably "good" food ('safe' of coarse), pop some pills because I feel like I need to burn away every last calorie, give up hope of burning and switch to popping laxatives, and end up purging it all.

The problem with purging, however, is that I think some people in my dorm are beginning to catch on to me...
I'm terrified of being caught...

Wish me luck that this dirty little secret doesn't get found out,

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Battling of Two Sides

Today, like I promised, is a liquid fast day. And I know I was just so motivated and set on doing it but, just sitting here now....temptation is battling my motivation. The morning was easy, as I have an early morning dance class, so I'm able to easily skip breakfast and be able to burn calories. One of the girls in that class is soooo skinny, almost pixie-like, and I have a hunch that she is Pro Ana---because there is absolutely no way someone can look like that and just be ectomorph. Any who, my next class was talking about the revolution of packaging and how cereal came to be.....

This isn't good, since I know I promised to only eat produce, but that recollecting sensation in the back of my tongue brought back that crunchy satisfying texture that one experiences with cereal. Obviously cereal is bad...mainstream cereal being even worse with the notorious high fructose corn syrup (which makes you fat because it slows down your metabolism) and any corn derived ingredient. Corn is fed to cows to fatten them up. And I am not a cow. So what did I do? I used to eat the super healthy organic cereals (w/o corn ingredients)--and I'm not talking about Kashi...which is basically all evaporated cane sugar.
But cereal = carbs, which = bad.

I haven't touched the stuff in a while, wanting to gift it to myself once I get down to 118 lbs, at least but....I have been hankering for it.

Here's the motivation that stopped me from walking 30 min. to the grocery here....there's this cute guy in my dorm. Yes, yes, he is taken...aren't all the good ones? But, I just want to make him feel like I'm attractive, you know? It all sounds very stupid but, if I were to drop 20 lbs....I might just be able to draw him closer. Not that I want to be the other woman....I have far too much dignity for that.

Let's hope I can keep on the liquids for the rest of the day....

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Promise...

~I will get out of the 120s by the end of the month

~I will consume liquids only every other day

~I will fast once a week (more if desired)

~I will purge every time I feel the "bulk"

~I will exercise everyday for the minimum of an hour

~I will consume only produce on my solid food days

~I will chew and spit as much as I can

~I will consume no more than 600 calories everyday

~I will take up any method to burn calories at every moment (i.e. fidgeting)

~I will get back the gap between my thighs

~I will become someone else's thinspo

This is year two of my affair with EDNOS, I will not gain this time and I will not falter or give up on Ana or Mia. It is time to get serious!


Monday, October 17, 2011

Double Take

I woke up today a pound lighter....this is not what I wanted. In the past, when I've fasted for short periods of time (like a day), I've lost 3-4 lbs. While I do like losing weight, I wish I could have lost more than a single pound. But, on the plus side, the circumference on my fingers has shrunk. How do I know? I can now wear this ring I bought when I was at my lowest (size 5--which I think is the smallest size that's available, overlooking custom sizing of coarse).

I broke my fast today around noonish. I made a steamed sweet potato with apple cider vinegar and a salad of iceberg lettuce, black olives, and mandarin oranges...however, it wasn't long before I felt utterly disgusted with myself. I purged it all the old-fashion way.
Oh, here's a quick Ana tip:
Apple cider vinegar curbs the appetite and burns fat (by decreasing the size of the fat cells). Also, any weight loss occurring, though it is gradual, is permanent. So, yay!!!

I think for the rest of the day I'll just consume liquids...

Think Thin,

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Motivation ---> Fasting

So, I had to return to my home town for break...despite not wanting to but, I get in the car and my parents instantly start lecturing me. And it went on and on and on....continuing until 8pm (when I was already back at the house). This goes without saying that my parents' version of "lecturing" includes lots of yelling, sarcastic laughing, and lapses of bringing up the past.
I hate it but, the good can come from the bad. Getting upset was always a big motivation for me in the past with Ana. I don't know exactly how to explain it but, I suppose it's just a small way I can get back at people; I know that sounds pretty twisted but, it works wonders.

I'm comparing myself a lot to my weight loss of last year; I want to get better at it. By Halloween of 2010, I weighed 118 lbs. This year, I want to either get there or, what I would love, I want to weigh 115 lbs by Halloween. I will get there, no doubt, especially since I have 2 more days in this horrible place.
I am so glad that I am no longer pushing 140 disgusting pounds from the 130s. I'm kinda surprised that college is not such a difficult place to purge in---although at "home," it is EASYYY. I'm gonna have to switch over to restricting soon enough, though, since
1) people are gonna catch on to my purging
2) restricting gets quicker results
Despite this I do both, purging on forbidden foods (like carbs) and anytime I feel the dreaded bulk.....

Well, wish this fast will last,

Friday, October 14, 2011


I feel utterly disgusted with myself....I caved when my roomie asked me to lunch, even though I would have been all set with my quadruple shot cappuccino w/ soy. The disgusting heavy sensation is calling for Mia. I've taken 9 lax in a row...but I'm so scared it's not working. Ana would be ashamed of me too, I broke my only produce rule and had a vegan-friendly veggie burger---which you know has to be completely saturated in salt or something. I hate myself for it. I couldn't even go throw it up because my roomie was in the room with me. Fuck. I think I'm gonna go pop some more lax....and skip dinner....and skip breakfast/brunch/lunch.

 I don't want to eat anymore. This is how it was last year. I used Mia to get to 120lbs and then Ana took over until I was at the beautiful 100lbs. When I was "recovering," which I really regret because it get's hard to stop once you start, I switch from Ana to Mia again. Then I had an awful period where I didn't care and ate what I wanted like the fat cow I am. My hip and ribs stopped protruding and.....I got my period back. Now, if that isn't a wake up call, I don't know what is.

All my EDNOS habits are coming back and, hopefully, they will keep me headed down the numbers.

Think Thin,

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I Don't Need It

I have been pretty damn proud of myself as of late. Since restricting to only fruits and veg (mostly veg, it has less cals), I have been feeling a lot lighter. And I don't mean lighter as in lbs, since I didn't bring my scale with me, but I mean...I just don't feel that horrible sensation of being weighed down. Of coarse, I would have more so LOVED if I didn't have the lbs...but I know I'm getting closer to my goal everyday.

I...want to not have to eat. I wish I could just coast through on nothing but air. I hate myself so much, not during the actual eating but, in the aftermath. I cannot even describe how much more awful I feel when I go with people to the dining hall. It's like I can feel them staring at me, I mean, my god, I am eating a freaking salad  with maybe some red wine vinegar & olive oil combo or a mustard & pepper combo. What is the big deal?

Maybe I should just go back into excuse mode and skip eating all together, not just breakfast and dinner. I really hate that word: Breakfast. Why on earth would I want to Break Fasting?
Ugh, I think I'm gonna go choke down some lax, this salad feels awful inside me...


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Great Disappearing Act

Would it be twisted for me to say that I thoroughly enjoy, and even, dare I say, relish the sensation of starving? Like I said earlier, I hate the feeling you get after you eat--that horrible bulky, bloated feeling. It has actually gotten to the point where I cannot stand having something as lite as a salad inside me. Much thanks to Mia, she really has helped me out immensely when it comes to getting rid of the heavy feeling. I love her so much, her support has been paying off quite nicely, as I now see the edge of my collar bone jutting out of my shoulder.

This is the beginning of my great disappearing act...I enjoy being empty as my disgusting lbs fade away, leading me closer to Ana's cold world of perfection. Beauty is pain, right? Yet, like before, I get to that point where I don't feel hunger; I only hear the odd gurgle of my gut. In fact, I would say, I get to that point where I feel absolutely nothing at all. It's all part of the act, folks, be amazed as I disappear before your very eyes.

Ana has been keeping me on the ball, as of late, as well. I have dutifully been going to the gym, here at college, every single day. Today, I am just so proud of myself because I do believe I ate under 500 cals!! Yay me!! All I had today were 3 double shot cappuccinos with steamed soy (estimating roughly around 200 coffee contains 0, the rest were from the soy) and 1 meager salad (estimating roughly around 200 again). I had no dinner but, the weird bulky feeling is still here...which I don't understand as the salad really wasn't extravagant in anyway. Oh well, guess Mia can help me out here...


Sunday, October 9, 2011

On the Road to a Flat Tummy

It is my dream to have a super flat tummy, complete with a line down the center, and surrounded by a wasp waist. I think I'm getting there, my control is sliding back with ease. I only consume fruit and veg but, I have stacks of suppositories and laxatives in case I slip up and eat some carbs or some nuts. Mia would be proud.

In fact, I'm already seeing the results...the bone on my wrist is poking out and my ribs are slightly protruding. I cannot wait until my hip bones come out. That was always my favorite part about being low...back in the day. I loved feeling my hips jut out, I felt beautiful. Even before I hit the glorious 100lbs, my hip perfection was already out in the hundred and teens (ex. 114lbs)

I hate this little pooch sticking out of my abdomen. I promised myself that I would get a belly button piercing once I had a flat tummy. I mean, c-mon, nobody wants to see a fat stomach with a dot of a piercing. It's disgusting.
I already have my tattoo, since I promised myself that it would probably be better if
A. I got it at college
and B. I got it when I had a little more weight.
I'm really happy with it.

I'd like to think as a Pro Ana, Pro Mia, and Pro EDNOS, my body is but a canvas and my choices, like whether I want to eat junk or not, determines whether or not it becomes a magnificent masterpiece or a sloppy spherical blob.  

Give love to the bones,

P.S. If anyone would like to be supportive, competitive pro ana/mia/ednos friends, feel free to contact me~

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Servitude of Alice

Fingers outreach,
               the    Gluttony   tingling at their tips
      Grasping    Sin,
Your claws uplift
                  Desire fades...
           Giving way to W e a k n e s s
The    Naughty    sliding d o w n  the rabbit hole
                                                          ...But it is too L a t e

                 This is no

Fingers outreach, again
            Trembling with a sudden H a t r e d
Darkness parts,
       unveiling your first Queen
"Do it,"
        She hisses,
                leaning closer as the show begins
                      "Please me, my pet."
Her beautiful frail fingers stroke Her swan neck,
         "You know what to do."

Your gullet
           Your fingers travel
"Deeper," Mia coos,
Her     Perfection    urging you
                                      To the b r i n k of      Guilt.

Out the   Poison   comes.
      A lovely flush
Rising to your skin's surface;
                    Yet...with Eyes tearing,
the      Sin       still slumbers in your chamber.

Colorful pills of H o p e
               Replace your Fingers.
Falling further and further
                                    D o w n .

Mia smiles.

This is the but the B e g i n n i n g
                                        Of something   Beautiful.

Mia is only the W h i t e Queen,
                               It is the R e d we all seek.
                                             And that is how it E
In Wonderland...
                With the T o x i c L u s t
                                       of Ana.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Love like Winter

As the weather is transitioning here from summer to autumn, I know I will, once again, be able to slid in the comforting ease of Ana.

Last year, around this time, I was already beginning my descent into perfection. The numbing air was an absolute fantastic distraction from food, as all I could think about was how cold I was and how delicious it would be to cuddle near a warm fire. I had need not food, or any wavering weakness, as I thoroughly enjoyed watching my nails change into that delectable shade of bluish white. Not to mention, and take note to this, fellow EDNOS, that the season of cold is the best time to lose weight--despite what the media portrays as the period of "stocking up for the winter."

What many fail to comprehend, is that by being constantly surrounded by a cold environment, the body initiates homeostasis. To put simply, the body is burning fat, calories, and muscle mass just to maintain a steady, consistent body temperature. So...thank you to New York's fabulous lake effect snow. <3

Why people eat so much during the winter still baffles me. My mindset, during the lovely, frost-covered months, is that I can be completely and utterly satisfied with a nice cup of tea. The three teas which are most effective at making one drop the disgusting lbs are:
                   ~Green Tea (it is common knowledge that this raises one's metabolism)
                   ~Oolong Tea (it is well known in China as a tea that clears out one's digestive system)
                   ~Senna Tea/asian dieting tea (in an ode to any lovers of Mia, this tea acts as a stimulant laxative)

To all that seek a thinner beauty,
let the first fall of snow be as
perfect as we all will be.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Body Types

So...there are three body types in the world: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.
I'm sure all of us can easily say, "I wish I was a ectomorph."

Ectomorphs are basically naturally skinny; the have delicate frames with very little muscle and have an incredible difficulty gaining weight because of their extremely fast metabolism. They can lose fat fairly effortlessly and have to eat waaaayyy past the "recommended" number of calories just to gain.
Now, I'm sure all of us have had that skinny know, the one that can eat 7 slices of pizza (with the "works"), a whole bottle of soda, and the entire bag of "family sized" chips and still want a hot fudge sundae for dessert. I hate that kind of person because of their set dispossession.

But, you see, our jealously most often gives birth to Ana.

I know that I was born a mesomorph, yet, sometimes, I cannot help but feel like an endomorph.
Now, mesomorphs gain fat more easily than ectpmorphs. Most often, a mesomorph is identified by their "athletic" body structure (i.e. they are naturally strong and gain muscle easily). While I do not care for being born a mesomorph, I do like the fact that they can just as easily lose as they gain--which gives me some glimmer of hope. However, to do this, a mesomorph would need to watch their caloric intake.

I did not want to go here, as this is the horrid nightmare that keeps me up at night.
Endomorphs, need I say more? They are, unfortunately, predisposed at being fat. Generally, they have a round physique, in a short and stocky sense. Endos have thick limbs, have a higher percentage of body fat, and find it easy to gain weight because of their dreadfully slow metabolism.

Now, as I do like to follow the glimmer of hope, anyone can reach the perfection of Ana--no mater what your body type...although endos will need to keep at it for a while.
It really is all about determination and persistence.
Why do I say this? I was once able to touch down to the beautiful number of 100 lbs (which gave me a limboing size between 0 and 00). It is possible.

Do not give up, darlings.